Stand and See

Picture :Sunset in Kandy, Sri Lanka

So many people today run from anything that’s hard. They run from their problems. They run from responsibility. They run from people they don’t like. They run from the past. They run from anything that makes them uncomfortable. Instead of facing the issues and dealing with them, they just take the easy way out and go down the path of least resistance. But if you’re going to live in victory, you have to learn how to face your challenges head on.

Stand strong, set our faces like a flint, and fight the good fight of faith. And the good news is that you don’t have to do it in your own strength! You are equipped with supernatural power to overcome every obstacle.

Make the decision today to stand strong and face the challenges in your life. Be bold and dare to conquer! As you stand in faith, you will see the salvation.

Are you bothered by critics?

Anytime you set out to do something great in life, there will be critics. If you’re going to be a great businessperson, coach, student, leader or employee, there will be opposition. The more success you have, the more opportunities there will be for distractions. The higher you go, the more haters will come out. When you start stretching to a new level and pursuing what God has placed in your heart, the jealous people, the critical people, and the small-minded people come out of the woodwork and start making negative comments, but you don’t have to let that distract you.

If you are under pressure today, if the critical voices are coming against you, know that it’s because you are making a difference. Don’t let them throw you off course. Instead, dig your heels in; set your face like a flint, and say, “I will not get distracted. I will not get drawn into battles that don’t matter. It doesn’t matter what others think; it matters what God thinks!”

Today, look beyond the critics. Stand strong in adversity. Press forward to what lies ahead and win the prize of life prepared for you!

What surprises you about Humanity ?

The absolute truth, what a great reply.

What is the 100/0 Principle?

Relationships surround us, confound us, and sometimes lead to our defeat. Think about the way you interact with others, about the way you approach relationships, about your expectations and assumptions. Are you unconsciously sabotaging yourself? Are you standing in the way of your own success?

What is the 100/0 Principle?

In a nutshell: You take full responsibility (the 100%) for the relationship, expecting nothing (the 0%) in return.

Implementing the 100/0 Principle is not natural for most of us. It takes real commitment to the relationship and a good dose of self-discipline to think, act and give 100 percent.

The 100/0 Principle applies to those people in your life where the relationships are too important to react automatically or judgmentally. Each of us must determine the relationships to which this principle should apply. For most of us, it applies to work associates, customers, suppliers, family and friends.

When you take authentic responsibility for a relationship, more often than not the other person quickly chooses to take responsibility as well. Consequently the 100/0 relationship quickly transforms into something approaching 100/100. When that occurs, true breakthroughs happen for the individual.

Take off the Limits

Did you know you can limit your life by dwelling on the wrong things? So often, wrong thinking keeps people stuck right where they are. If you think you’ll never accomplish your dreams, then you’ll stay stuck where you are. If you think you don’t have the talent, the connections or the funds, then you are limiting yourself.

Don’t limit what you can do in your life by focusing on what you see in the natural realm. You have to realize that you are special, and just because you don’t see a way doesn’t mean that there doesn’t exist a way.  If you’ll shift your focus from this limited realm and start looking from a positive perspective, you’ll see unlimited possibilities for your future.

Take the limits off by setting your thoughts on what you can really do with your life today!

The gift of insults – by Paulo Coelho

This is a fantastic piece of art written by one of my favorites, Paulo Coelho, great story.

Near Tokyo lived a great Samurai, now old, who decided to teach Zen Buddhism to young people.
One afternoon, a warrior – known for his complete lack of scruples – arrived there. The young and impatient warrior had never lost a fight. Hearing of the Samurai’s reputation, he had come to defeat him, and increase his fame.
All the students were against the idea, but the old man accepted the challenge.
All gathered on the town square, and the young man started insulting the old master. He threw a few rocks in his direction, spat in his face, shouted every insult under the sun – he even insulted his ancestors.
For hours, he did everything to provoke him, but the old man remained impassive. At the end of the afternoon, by now feeling exhausted and humiliated, the impetuous warrior left.
Disappointed by the fact that the master had received so many insults and provocations, the students asked:
– How could you bear such indignity? Why didn’t you use your sword, even knowing you might lose the fight, instead of displaying your cowardice in front of us all?
– If someone comes to you with a gift, and you do not accept it, who does the gift belong to? – asked the Samurai.
– He who tried to deliver it – replied one of his disciples.
– The same goes for envy, anger and insults – said the master.
When they are not accepted, they continue to belong to the one who carried them.”

The Poker Face

To make a long story short, if you say somebody has a poker face, you are saying that it is difficult to tell what the person is thinking or feeling.

A poker face is one that is not readable, or one that gives off absolutely no emotional response whatsoever.

The terminology used during poker games are very specific, and can’t be found anywhere else, with only a few exceptions. One of these exceptions is the term ‘poker face’ often used all over the world.

This expression is often used to express a face which remains the same in any circumstances, no matter what the person’s feelings are - this way being able to disguise any thoughts within a person’s mind.

We live in a society full of people with poker faces. Its mind boggling to know so many of them are able to disguise their true emotions. It’s even more amazing to know how devious and deadly some of them can be. I am someone who deals with many. I have been battered and bruised, but still live to fight another day.

This world we live in is full of people with deceit and jealousy. How do you deal with them?
Do you have the mental strength to deal with these people on a daily basis?

Some of you are fortunate of not having the opportunity to associate with these devious poker faces, just try to keep it that way, the rest of us need to find away!... I don’t know how.. I am trying hard to…. any suggestions?

Who decides on your choices!

The power to affect your future lies within your own hands." 

Do you have dreams? Do you have goals? Are you happy? Do you have a plan to make a difference?

“In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.”
 ~Eleanor Roosevelt

The bottom line is this: What you choose is what you get. Five years from today, you will be exactly the same person you are today except for the choices you make beginning right now.
You make a lot of choices every day – what to wear, what to have for breakfast, which route to drive to work, etc. Those are transactional choices. 

But you can also choose at any point to transform your life. Those transformational choices are wise decisions that can change the direction of your life – putting your life on a path to success … and more importantly … significance. 

The people who I admire most don’t live their lives by a “to-do” list; they live their lives by a “to-be” list, for example: I want to be more generous, more patient, more learned, more reasoned. 

While you can check things quickly off a “to-do” list, it may be several months before you cross something off your “to-be” list. And here’s the other side of the coin: You can’t have a “to-be” list without having a “stop doing” list. To become something, you must undo something … acting on an item from your “stop doing” list. 

Those who live by a “to-be” list have discovered wisdom … an education that serves them well for life.
“Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.”