Are You Afraid To Make Mistakes?

Posted by :Hussein Adamally
Happy week to all of you.

What do you think is better - either to commit a mistake and overcome it all by yourself or just be too much conscious towards our actions that we don't commit a mistake at all?

I personally feel that those who commit more mistakes seem to be much confident over their abilities than those who commit fewer mistakes.

Let me share something with you
A reporter asked a big business man how he was so successful 
The answer was Correct decisions
Reporter again asked how can you come to know that this is correct
The answer was experience
Reporter now asked how did you get the experience 
The answer was from the wrong decisions.

Mistakes are merely outcomes that didn’t work out as we planned or hoped or anticipated. As such, mistakes are nothing more than the learning bridges.

Do not underestimate yourself, nor be overly critical of yourself. You must learn to be your own best friend, and that means being gentle and kind to yourself when you make mistakes.

Life throws you a few surprises along the way, and sometimes, you get to encounter things that totally discourage you. You wish you were mentally tough so that you’re up for anything. But your fear for the unknown is what stops you from pursuing your dreams more. Usually, though, this is only an indication of an even bigger fear. 

People don’t like failing and would do anything just to avoid it! Sure you want to discover something so new and fresh that you leave people in awe, but you also continually ask yourself ‘what if,’ and that stops you from doing anything more.

Life is a game of chance. You need to roll the dice and gamble on fate every so often, but what would set you apart from the winners is the attitude you’ll have once you’ve put yourself out there. You simply become too afraid and will settle for mediocrity simply because you do not want to be humiliated. 

You accept defeat and convince yourself that you weren’t born with that skill. You should keep in mind that while negative thoughts create gloom, the energy radiated by having a positive attitude is reflected in your actions. 

This very same notion applies to your professional life. Some of you go to work, do your job, and basically do everything on schedule. You may not exactly jump for joy at the thought of going to work but you continue. 

You crave for more but you are also comfortable doing what you’re familiar with. You have other dreams but keep them in the back burner because you don’t know if you have the ability and talent for it. 

If you do decide to pursue your dreams and do what you are most passionate about, you fear that you aren’t good enough and that you may end up feeling humiliated. Your life can become disappointing with this kind of attitude, and you definitely have to pursue your innermost desires to have a chance at happiness.

“If you fear failure, know that there are many out there who dread the thought of losing.”

However, it is important to note that this fear can do more than keep you from being successful. It holds you back from living the life you so deserve. 

Often times, this form of terror develops over a period of time, often triggered by sad memories. Because you failed in the past, you know how it felt when people laughed at you when you made a blunder. 

In reality, you are good enough. You may not be talented in some areas, but surely there is something you excel in. You need to improve your self-esteem and realize that life is all about experimenting. 

If you fail, then maybe you need to take a look at the process and see what went wrong. Every good scientist knows that they have to come up with a good hypothesis before they test it. People who keep trying despite their hundreds of failures will triumph a lot sooner than those who don’t try at all. 

To overcome fear, you need to take baby steps but be brave enough to give everything a shot. Those who give up will be those who will live their lives with great regret.

I want you to understand this

You are a singularly unique point of light in the world. Others may have tried to dim your light as you grew up, but it still shines. You are a wonderful creation. Give yourself permission to see yourself that way, and then begin looking for the good within you. It’s there, I promise you that.

You are as worthy of love, respect, and happiness as everyone else—believe it.

Let me Inspire You!

Dear Friends,

Today! I like to leave you with a very powerful message, which I am sure will inspire your weekend and beyond. It will only take 5 minutes of your time. So volume up your speakers (don't watch it without sound) and watch this amazing message I have for you.

Remember “Don’t forget to live”, because life is too important not to.

Have a great weekend.

7 Phrases you should NEVER use at Work (or Anywhere Else)

Posted by :Hussein Adamally
Comedian George Carlin famously spoke about the “seven words you can never say on television,” but the following seven seemingly innocuous words/phrases might be even worse. To say them is almost like dousing your goals, hopes and dreams with “sulfuric acid”.

Creating a better life is hard work! It takes little effort to maintain the status quo, but if you have a dream of making more money, getting a promotion, starting a business, becoming healthier, or improving your relationships, you’re going to need as much support as you can get. Strike these seven deadly words/phrases from you lexicon today:
1. When. This is a filthy word when it comes to improving your life. It sounds like this . . . “When I lose 10 pounds I’ll start dating again. When I’m a little older I’ll go for that promotion. When I complete my degree I’ll start that side-business.” Most of the time, our “whens” just don’t happen, or if they do, they take so long that we’ve forgotten what it was we wanted in the first place. “When” is rarely necessary, but just to be sure, ask yourself this: “Would it be illegal, unethical or immoral to start now?” If the answer is no, don’t wait for when.
2. Someday. There’s nothing wrong with having a “someday” list of things you want to do and places you want to go, but when you find that your “today” list is empty, you’d best start moving some of your future goals into the present. Someday is such a deceptive word. It makes you feel good by proclaiming you’ll someday achieve something, but months, years, and even decades can pass and you may find that your someday is still a long way away.
3. Willpower. According to behavior change expert Dr. BJ Fogg of the Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab, “Imagine willpower doesn’t exist. That’s step number one to a better future.” The problem with willpower is that most people either think they have it or they don’t. They’ll say, “Well, of course I ordered the double-fudge sundae. What did you expect from someone who doesn’t have any willpower?” Your genes determine the color of your eyes, NOT whether you order dessert.
4. Want/Wish/Hope. Don’t be a wimp! Stop wanting, wishing, and hoping to do something or for something to happen. If you want more control over your fate, you must take more responsibility for your actions and their outcomes. Don’t sit around expecting change to arrive in your mailbox. It takes a decision and it takes action, not wishful thinking.
5. Not good enough. How can a phrase with “good” in it be so bad? These three simple words will keep you from hitting the publish button, making that important phone call, or trying out for the audition. The solution? Flip it around. Instead of “This isn’t good enough…”, change it to “It’s not perfect but it’s good enough.” Don’t wait for everything to be perfect. Just put it out there and see what happens. 
6. I don’t have the time. The same guy who doesn’t have time to go to the gym with you after work will miraculously be able to free up an entire evening if you present him with free tickets to the movies. It may feel like you don’t have time, but with some focus and pruning of non-essential commitments (e.g., TV), you can free up 20 minutes to two hours every night to work on those actions that will help you create a better life.
7. It’s not the right time. If not now, when? No, really: If you are waiting for the stars to align, it’s not going to happen. Instead of waiting for the right time, shift your thinking and look for the least worst time to get started.
Think back to an achievement or goal you’ve accomplished. It took vision, dedication, and perseverance. Not excuses. Stop castrating your future with these seven deadly words/phrases and start working toward a richer life.

How Much Do You Value Your Parents?

Posted by :Hussein Adamally
I know so many who grumble to take care of their Parents. They have so much money and yet for all they still grumble to spend on them and to take care of them, what a shame. We live in a selfish world; we are so self-centered. We need our parents when we want them to take care of our children. I know a family where the mother is a slave in the house. The worst thing is when you grow old and helpless, you are dependent on your children, that’s when the true meaning of love is visible. This inspired me to write this post and would like to share this special story with you today.

A little boy came up to his mother in the kitchen one evening while she was fixing supper, and handed her a piece of paper that he had been writing on. After his Mom dried her hands on an apron, she read it, and this is what it said: 

For cutting the grass: $5.00 
For cleaning up my room this week: $1.00 
For going to the store for you: $.50 
Baby-sitting my kid brother while you went shopping: $.25 
Taking out the garbage: $1.00 
For getting a good report card: $5.00 
For cleaning up and raking the yard: $2.00 
Total owed: $14.75 

Well, his mother looked at him standing there, and the boy could see the memories flashing through her mind. She picked up the pen, turned over the paper he'd written on, and this is what she wrote: 

For the nine months I carried you while you were growing inside me: 
No Charge 

For all the nights that I've sat up with you, doctored and prayed for you: 
No Charge 

For all the trying times, and all the tears that you've caused through the years: 
No Charge 

For all the nights that were filled with dread, and for the worries I knew were ahead: 
No Charge 

For the toys, food, clothes, and even wiping your nose: 
No Charge 

Son, when you add it up, the cost of my love is: 
No Charge. 

When the boy finished reading what his mother had written, there were big tears in his eyes, and he looked straight at his mother and said, 

"Mom, I sure do love you." And then he took the pen and in great big letters he wrote: "PAID IN FULL". 
The Moral of this story:
·         You will never know how much your parents are worth till you become a parent
·         Be a giver not an asker, especially with your parents. There is a lot to give, besides money.

IF your mom & dad are alive and close to you give them a big kiss and ask them for forgiveness and cherish them. If they are far away, call them, visit them. If they have passed away, pray for them. 

Are You Suffering From The Status Badge?

The big problem with this ‘Status Badge Game’ is that in an attempt to look successful to others, many people fall into the trap of purchasing status badges instead of managing their money wisely in order to achieve true financial independence.
One of the best decisions you can ever make for yourself and your family is to elect not to play the Status Badge Game.
Let’s take a look at an example that illustrates what this means in the real world.
It’s important to note that deciding not to play the Status Badge Game is not about becoming a cheap miser who refuses to spend a cent.
Instead, it is about identifying items that represent good value for money without paying the large overheads necessary to accumulate high status badges. Always remember to:
“Shop for Value, Not Status”
By applying this simple financial philosophy to your personal items, your clothes, your car and your home you can save many thousands of dollars over your lifetime. You can then redirect this money into acquiring income producing assets and enjoying meaningful life experiences with the people you love.
So today I’d like to encourage you to see the Status Badge Game for what it really is – An elaborate conditioning process devised by savvy marketers attempting to maximize company profits.
As soon as you understand this and make the decision not to play the Status Badge Game, your whole perspective will shift. You will find yourself free of the burden of ‘keeping to others’ and will soon be on the path to achieving true financial freedom.

Do You Have The Time?

There are many people who are always complaining of not having enough time… to respond to emails, to return calls, to eat lunch, to take a holiday, to exercise, to read, to be with the family etc. etc. In case you are wondering, they only have time for business. Does that sound familiar? We all give that excuse every now and then, don’t we? I believe the real reason behind the excuse is one of the following:

1.     No commitment. One of my favorite quotes: If you are interested, you will do what’s convenient. If you are committed, you will do whatever it takes. This is often the reason why people can’t follow a diet plan, or exercise regularly, or do the things they know they should do. They are just not committed.
2.     No priorities – or wrong priorities. Like in the case of my friend, her only priority is her business. She believes everything else can wait, until she is a millionaire. When I have difficulty leaving the office on time, with unfinished work, I ask myself: When I am 70 or 80, will I regret not spending enough time in the office, or not spending enough time with my family?
3.     No time management. Everyone has 24 hours in a day but some people get a lot more out of these hours than the others. Think about 86,400 seconds being given to you right now. And you have 24 hours to use it or lose it, forever. Check out the 4 D’s of Time Management.

I overheard a dialogue in the movie “Kung Fu Panda”. The wise old turtle tells the panda:          Yesterday is gone; tomorrow is a mystery; today is a gift – that’s why it’s called present.

Let’s make today count. Let’s stop telling ourselves or others that we don’t have the time. Because we know we do.

Hope you have a day that’s full of value!

Dream Boldly

When you look out into your future, what do you see? What are the dreams and desires that you hold close to your heart?

So many people start with bold dreams, but then opposition comes. Life doesn’t turn out the way they planned. They lose a loved one or encounter difficulty they didn’t anticipate. Today, if that’s you, I want to remind you that the Creator of the universe designed you with specific gifts and talents that no one else has. He has you on this planet for a specific purpose. When you commit your life to Him, He promises to be with you wherever you go. Even though some things in life may have caught you by surprise, they didn’t catch God by surprise. His good plan for your life remains. You can trust Him because He loves you with an everlasting love, and He doesn’t want to see you settling for anything less than His very best.

I want to encourage you to be bold, be strong and be courageous. Put aside the past and lift up your eyes. Live boldly and dream boldly so you can embrace the good things that are in store for you!

Have a great Weekend!

A Special Message From The Heart!

My Dear Friends,
As some of you may know I lost my father-in-law few days ago. During these days I really understood the true meaning of caring. I grew up with an attitude that nobody cares for anybody and that you can only depend on yourself. I was overwhelmed by the support I received during the last couple of days. While spending almost 20 hours at the funeral parlor I learnt many things which I would like to share with you through this post. This is a very special message from my heart to all of you.

The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss and have found their way out of depths. These persons have an appreciation, sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.

We run after values that, at death become zero. At the end of your life, nobody asks you how many mansions you built, or how many Rolls Royce’s you could afford. That’s what dying patients teach you.

Dying is nothing to fear. It can be the most wonderful experience of your life. It all depends on how you have lived.

Throughout life, we get clues that remind us of the direction we are supposed to be headed. If you stay focused then you learn your lessons.

There is no joy without hardship. If not for death, would we appreciate life? If not for hate, would we know the ultimate goal is love? At these moments you can either hold on to negativity or look for blame, or you can choose to heal and keep on loving. Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose.

You will not grow if you sit in a beautiful flower garden, but you will grow if you are sick or if you are in pain, if you experience losses and if you do not put your head in the sand, but take the pain as a gift to you with very specific purpose.

It’s only when we truly know and understand we have limited time on earth and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up. We will then begin to live each day to the fullest as if it were the only one we had.

People are like stained–glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in; their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.

There is no need to go to India or anywhere else to find peace. You will find that deep place of Silence right in your room, your garden or even your bathtub.

Lots of love.

The Best Divorce Letter - Hilarious!

I lost my father-in-Law today! Got back home after making funeral arrangements. Went through my mails, started browsing the net for some inspiration and came across this hilarious divorce letter that put a smile on my face. Hope you all enjoy it too. 

Dear Wife,
I’m writing you this letter to tell you that I’m leaving you forever. I’ve been a good man to you for 7 years & I have nothing to show for it. These last 2 weeks have been hell. ... Your boss called to tell me that you quit your job today & that was the last straw. Last week, you came home & didn’t even notice I had a new haircut, had cooked your favorite meal & even wore a brand new pair of silk boxers. You ate in 2 minutes, & went straight to sleep after watching all of your soaps. You don’t tell me you love me anymore; you don’t want sex or anything that connects us as husband & wife. You’re cheating on me or you don’t love me anymore; whatever the case, I’m gone.
Your Ex-Husband

P.S. don’t try to find me. Your SISTER & I are moving away to West Virginia together! Have a great life!

Dear Ex-Husband,
Nothing has made my day more than receiving your letter. It’s true you & I have been married for 7 years, although a good man is a far cry from what you’ve been. I watch my soaps so much because they drown out your constant whining & griping Too bad that doesn’t work. I DID notice when you got a haircut last week, but the 1st thing that came to mind was ‘You look just like a girl!’ Since my mother raised me not to say anything if you can’t say something nice, I didn’t comment. And when you cooked my favorite meal, you must have gotten me confused with MY SISTER, because I stopped eating pork 7 years ago. About those new silk boxers: I turned away from you because the $49.99 price tag was still on them, & I prayed it was a coincidence that my sister had just borrowed $50 from me that morning. After all of this, I still loved you & felt we could work it out. So when I hit the lotto for 10 million dollars, I quit my job & bought us 2 tickets to Jamaica But when I got home you were gone.. Everything happens for a reason, I guess. I hope you have the fulfilling life you always wanted. My lawyer said that the letter you wrote ensures you won’t get a dime from me. So take care.
You’re Ex-Wife, Rich as Hell & Free!

P.S. I don’t know if I ever told you this, but my sister Carla was born Carl. I hope that’s not a problem.

A Message from God!

Happy Week Dear Friends,
Today I would like to be direct with you and hope that this message will reach straight to your heart.

If you watch television for any length of time, it won’t be long before you see products and pills advertised to make you thinner, smarter, younger looking, more successful and ultimately claim to change your life. But the truth is all you need in order to change your life is already in your hand. God has given you the ability and the power to be transformed into the person He created you to be.
I heard somebody said,
“Sight has to do with what we can see, but vision has to do with what we can be.”
The reason some people are stuck at the same level is because their vision is limited. They don’t see themselves growing, increasing, being promoted or getting healthier. All they see is more of the same. More lack. More struggle. More defeat. They’re producing what they’re seeing.
Friend, don’t let that be you!
Instead, let the Word of God wash over you and renew your thinking. See yourself the way God sees you. See yourself rising higher. See yourself becoming stronger, healthier and wiser. Change the picture you have of your life, and you will change your life. So stop doubting yourself, be positive and believe in yourself.

See yourself the way God sees you and receive the wonderful blessings He has in store for your future!

Do You Live In Fear or Uncertainty?

"People who fear suffering are already suffering from what they fear."
Many I know suffer from anxiety, uncertainty and constant fear. They are most of the times unhappy, tense and sick and have health issues.
 Uncertainty in life can be managed. It is a normal part of life. The tricky part is that uncertainty can contaminate our attitudes. The more we fear it, the more it paralyzes us. The more we accept it as a challenge to be overcome, the more it will help us move forward. People who refuse to get swept away by feelings of uncertainty are the ones who win . Uncertainty calls for a simple answer to a simple question: Do you choose to react like 80 percent of all people? Do you choose to stay in the middle of the road and get run over? Or do you choose to respond like 20 percent of all people and plow your way to new opportunities with a positive attitude and a strong sense of purpose?
Remember these words:
"If you put off everything till you're sure of it, you'll get nothing done!"
Get going.

Have a great weekend.

5 Things that hold you back in life

If you recognize even one of these things in your own life you need to make a change before it is too late. And remember, we all have the power to make a change, even if it is the hardest thing in the world to do.

1. Fear
Fear is the number one thing that will hold you back in life. And fear comes in primarily two forms:
·             fear of failure; and
·             fear of success
People who have a lot of fear never end up achieving their goals in life because they are too afraid of what they might achieve or have to go through trying to bring about those achievements. Fear is a big one for me, I am still very afraid. I am afraid of success for the most part. And it is crippling. Let me share a little example with you. Four years ago in India I was traveling with three friends, all from different parts of the world. We had the idea that we wanted to go and visit this great yogi who lived in the high mountains and we all agreed that it was a wonderful idea. Upon starting out on the journey, however, one person (a young American man) changed his mind and decided that the journey was too dangerous. We bid him farewell and continued on anyway and within two days we were sitting in this yogi’s personal quarters having been granted a private audience. Fear stopped our companion from experiencing something truly wonderful for this meeting has shaped our lives in many ways.
2. Attachment
The next thing that will hold you back is attachment. This attachment comes in many forms and it is extremely powerful as it is something that humans do very well. The downside, however, is that nothing good ever comes from attachment. It always causes suffering. Take a look at yourself and see if you are attached to anything and then see whether that attachment is holding you back. You might be fond of your homeland, parents or current lifestyle and that fondness might be stopping you from moving forward.
3. Arrogance
So many that I know personally and professionally are extremely arrogant. They think they have all the answers about life and business and religion. The problem is they are all really unhappy. I strongly believe that if they just took a few minutes to get out of their own way they could begin to discover a lot more in life. Never assume that you have all the answers. Always ask questions and keep a sense of curiosity. Even the most learned people like Albert Einstein and the Dalai Lama keep a sense of humility because they realize that there is still so much to be learned and discovered.
4. Dogma
Dogma is a very dangerous thing. It is where you become so blinded to a way of thinking that you are closed off to all other possibilities. It is where you accept something as fact without taking the time to really establish whether or not it accurate. And, like all things here today, dogma is holding you back in a big way. Dogma, especially religious dogma, stops you from finding the real “juice” of the subject. When you are dogmatic about your religion you lose touch of the essence as you are so caught up in defending your own position, even to yourself. Religion, in its truest sense, is supposed to make you more open and spacious, not less. Avoid dogma if you want to grow internally.
5. Money
The quest to earn more money holds you back as much as anything does. The journey to be financially free has ruined more people’s chance at happiness than anything else. I honestly wonder how much better life would have been if many of us spend our time learning about satisfaction as opposed to wanting something better. Perhaps their life would have been all the more fulfilling.
Don’t let money hold you back in life. If you find that you are putting work ahead of family, spirituality or other more genuine pursuits in life then you need to make a change. It will be a source of regret in the future.


Most of the time it is your own negative emotions that hold you back in life. The opportunities for happiness and success are out there, you just need to make sure you are willing and able to get them. 

Great Advice from Steve Jobs!

Steven Paul Jobs, 56, died Wednesday at his home with his family. The co-founder and, until last August, CEO of Apple Inc was the most celebrated person in technology and business on the planet. No one will take issue with the official Apple statement that “The world is immeasurably better because of Steve. 
This is his advice to all of us.

What Are Your Values?

We face tough decisions every day. As a parent, husband and business professional I encounter several circumstances each day which test my patience, my character and my peace of mind. For me, my values guide me and shape my priorities and reactions. They serve as my markers to tell me if my life is heading in the right direction and if it is out turning out the way I want it to.

When our actions and words are aligned with our values, life is generally good and we feel content, confident and satisfied. But when our behaviors don’t match-up with our values, we soon begin to sense an uneasiness that begins to swell and grow inside of us.

This uncomfortable feeling tells us that not all is good with the world right now. We feel out-of-whack; out-of-touch and generally out-of-sorts. These feelings can be a source of anxiety and unhappiness.

Making a deliberate and conscious attempt to identity which values are the most important is needed to keep your anxiety low and your happiness and sense of personal worth and self-awareness high.

Regardless if we recognize them or not, values do naturally exist. Our lives can become less stressful, and more productive, when we acknowledge our personal values – and then make the attempt to live by and honor these values regardless of the circumstances we encounter.

The following values are the ones that resonate with me. These values are the most important for me to live by and the ones I want to pass along to my children and everyone in my life:

Appreciation. Taking a brief moment to say, “thank you,” or acknowledging the exceptional job the restaurant server did when waiting on you is not only encouraging for the beneficiary to hear; it fills your soul with more appreciation too.
Belief in Others. It can be your attitude; your resolve, that can lift someone up when they are down. Their doubt can be erased by your confidence. And something else amazing happens: belief is contagious – the more you believe in others; the more you will continue to believe in yourself.
Caring. Caring for others, as well as self-care, allows you to extend a helping hand and to pass along some unexpected grace. When we take the time to demonstrate we care; we demonstrate the fact there are still plenty of good people left in this world.
Commitment. Commitment shows loyalty and it can show bravery and tenacity as well. A commitment is a promise made and an expectation we have created. Honoring our commitments can make the difference between achieving what’s most important to us or feeling disappointed and defeated.
Compassion. We are all part of this thing called the human condition. No doubt we have different skin colors, religious preferences and political points-of-view, but at the end of the day, we still need to take care of one another.
Cooperation. Even the most complex tasks and assignments can be made simpler when we focus on the solutions – together.
Courtesy. The next time you are approaching a door and someone is ten steps or so behind you, wait just one second longer before walking through. Instead hold the door for that one second. It’s amazing how something that can happen in a blink of an eye can carry so much lasting value.
Dedication. No matter how the circumstances may change, unless you are in a physically or emotionally abusive situation, stay the course and never give up. I would rather be called a failure than a loser. Losers give up when things become too difficult. Failures are folks who have just not found success – but will. So, call me a failure if you like, because it implies I haven’t stop trying.
Devotion. Some days are just naturally better than others. It’s the same way in our interpersonal relationships and in our faith. Things can get unstable at times, but staying devoted to a cause or to a person through the uncertain times is our rock to grasp when our faith and our foundation is shaky.
Effort. No matter the outcome, there is always value in the effort when the effort is authentic and well-intended.
Forgiveness. To be clear, the purpose of forgiveness is not to absolve someone of the sin(s) committed against you; but to free yourself from the pain and the anger that is keeping you stuck. When you forgive, you are better able to let go of the past and keep moving forward with your life.
Friendship. Friends support us and they provide an unfiltered view of our actions when asked. Friends sustain us through difficult periods and join us for the events we celebrate.
Gratitude. It is with a grateful heart that helps me to see so much abundance in my life. My value of gratitude reminds me that what I have today can be taken away tomorrow.
Honesty. To live authentically; to live honesty, keeps our hearts and souls pure and our minds free of doubt or uncertainty. When we are honest, we know we are doing the right things.
Hope. Hope is the fuel that keeps us moving forward when we are the most tired. Hope reassures us that sometimes it’s not a matter of if but only when.
It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are. – Roy Disney
Integrity. What defines our character and our integrity is not measured by what happens to us; but rather by how we react and respond to what happens to us.
Listening. As a parent, one of the best gifts I can give my children is to listen; to really listen to what they are saying and to be fully present in the moment with them.
Love. The presence of love in our life, the love we have for our families, our friends, our faith and for ourselves, is the single most important source of light and energy we can tap into when we have the need to be filled-up; or when we see the need to fill someone else up with grace, hope and our love
Optimism. I was born and raised in the South. An expression I heard often went something like, “When God hands you lemons, you make lemonade.” The value of optimism is clear here – take what you have been given and make the best of it.
Patience. Patience is a value which can also improve productivity because it creates a better state of mind, a clearer state of mind, for better decision making.
Respect. We are all different, yet we are all the same in the sense we want to be respected for how we think and believe. When we show the proper respect we are not only validating the other person’s dignity, we are also enhancing our own.
Right Choices. It’s not that we always have to get it right; in fact it’s not reasonable to think every choice we make will be the right choice. But when we have completed our research, performed our discernment, and have listened to our inner wisdom the hope is we are guided to the right choice. Acting on this choice is where the true value exists.
Sacrifice. Sometimes it’s appropriate to put someone else’s needs before your own. This is the meaning of sacrifice. Along with sacrifice comes some discomfort; perhaps even some pain. This is what makes sacrifice a value to live by.
Tolerance. There are people who make us angry and we just can’t seem to see eye-to-eye with on an issue. Rather than showing contempt, tolerance is a better alternative. It shows respects, patience and courtesy – all important values in their own right, too.
Unity. There is indeed strength in numbers. Working together to solve a common problem ensures a greater chance of success. Making the effort to bring people together will always be more effective than finding ways to pull people apart.
Vision. Vision is created by our dreams and daydreams, alike, Vision provides the avenue to take our lives to wherever we want them to go. Our vision reminds us that we are always capable of learning and growing into who we want to be.

I hope this will give you a clear perspective of values you have and the ones that need to be cultivated.