Have you ever come across people who feel that they know everything and that everything they say is correct? I am sure that we all have encountered people like this at some point in our lives.
The question is however, what you do when you do suddenly come across a person with this type of personality. In most cases you will probably want to avoid them and get as far away as possible. There is however several things that you can do in order to get your point across to them, without getting into a huge hollering match.
First of all you need to understand how this type of person thinks. If they feel they know everything they will usually try to prove it or back it up with some facts or information that they have. The majority of people who feel they know everything have been either forced in a position growing up where they had to be responsible for a lot or carry a heavy load or who has issues with ego or has severe attitude problems.
When you are trying to get your point across to them the very best way is to prove what you say the same way that they would with you. For example if you are trying to show someone that there is more than one way to find a solution to a particular problem you can just state to them that there is another better way to do it. You need to demonstrate how you can arrive at the same solution but by using a different method. Basically you need to back up anything you say to this type of person with facts.
You will want to avoid telling them that they are wrong, at the start of your conversation. This will immediately cause them to get defensive, and they will not want to listen to anything you have to say.
This is usually the point where the yelling match will begin. If you are unable to demonstrate what your point at the moment don't argue just prove it at another time. People who feel they know everything happen to be very arrogant, and carry themselves in this way. Just try to remember that engaging them in any type of yelling match will only make them happy, not you. You will usually end up becoming more and more frustrated and annoyed as the conversation goes on. The bottom line is that there is a right way and a wrong way to deal with people who think they know everything. Avoiding them will not help them to see that they don't know everything. You can however take the time to show them that they don't.
I know it’s frustrating, believe me! but you need to deal with them.
I feel that “people who think know everything, actually know very little and are so naive and very insensitive”.