Dear Friends,
There is no doubt that accountability is the hidden secret of high performing individuals and high performing organizations. And, here are some perspectives on accountability that you, as a leader, need to remember:
Webster’s Dictionary defines “accountability” as “the quality or state of being accountable; an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for one’s actions.”
People deal with us based on what they think about us, not what we think they should think about us. So, when we make a commitment, we have to fulfill that commitment in the eyes of others. It is not good enough to fulfill the commitment in our eyes – we have to fulfill the commitment in the eyes of others. That is the tricky part.
When we’re accountable, it is necessary for us to go to our customers, our suppliers, and the people we work for – and yes, the people who work with us – and ask them, “How am I doing?” We allow them to hold us accountable – in their eyes – for our commitments. Accountability is – first and foremost – about being reliable. To get a good picture of your personal accountability, you may want to periodically ask yourself, “Can people count on me to do what I say I’ll do, as I said I would do it?”
Accountability is about high performance and not fear or stress. It’s about being willing to hold yourself to a standard that improves the performance of your organization and also having a willingness to be held accountable by others.