Do You Have Integrity?

Sometimes I get so sick and tired of associating with people who lack integrity; society is full of such "garbage". Manipulation, lack of Integrity is probably the key to this “Garbage” and I am sure many of you are compelled to deal with them on a daily basis.

I would like to start with the true definition of the word “Integrity”- It means having the  quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness”

Integrity is the quality of having high moral principles, being reliable and trustworthy. it is also being sincere and being trustworthiness nothing can guarantee social stability and confidence among people like being honest, it is considered one of the basic foundations on which societies are built. The moment it disappears, distrust and lack of cooperation take its place in the heart of people.

Our planet is in trouble due to a lack of integrity - a lack of high moral principles that are in alignment with who we really are in our souls. Why is there such a lack of integrity? What is the issue underlying a lack of integrity?

As the quote above indicates, how we THINK determines our level of integrity. When we are addicted to thinking thoughts that create fear and a habit of being a manipulator, we may end up behaving in ways that lack integrity.

Why would we want to think thoughts that create fear and why do we manipulate people? Because this is what our programmed mind - our wounded ego self - knows and thrives on.

Our wounded self - which is our ego programmed mind - learned many ways to protect us from the things we feared and could not handle as little children. We might have learned to lie to protect the truth. We might have learned to steal to get what we wanted. We might have learned to have temper tantrums to get our way. 
This will not change until people change their thoughts. What if people thought thoughts based on truth and caring? What if the following thoughts were the norm?
"Being kind to myself and others empowers me and gives me the strength to stand up for what is right - both for myself and others."

"There is enough for everyone to have what they want and need. Abundance is a law of the universe."

"Behaving in ways that are in alignment with the spiritual values of compassion, kindness and caring - which is who I really am - brings me great inner peace and joy."
Obviously, people who operate from these thoughts rather than from the thoughts of their ego-wounded selves are the people who lack integrity.

As long as people operate under the false belief that happiness lies in getting what they want externally, rather than in whom they choose to be in the world, they will be lacking integrity on their way to getting. Only when they finally see that deep inner peace and joy comes from being in alignment with their inner spiritual values will they consistently behave with integrity.

Many feel praying , going to church, mosque or any place of worship, many times a day or a week, and doing a little bit of charity, can cover up all the lies, cheating and manipulation. What Bullshit!
Get a reality check!

What's in the mind does not matter, But what’s in the heart that matters the most!